Meet Nechelle

My mission is to help my community discover healing as the center of their personal health care.
I work with all people, regardless of age or condition, to further their journey toward true wellness.
I support this transformation through integration of the mind, body & soul.
Together we will utilize advanced and applied neurology to create massive impact in your system.

Nechelle is a certified ELAN Healing facilitator, & an ELAN level 1, 2, & 3 Instructor. In addition to utilizing ELAN with her in person practice in Sacramento, she also works with clients 1-1 for acute care utilizing Missy Bunch's neuro rehab methods.

Nechelle empowers clients with a deep understanding of their nervous system and how the integrity of their spine & brain are the foundation of a healthy body, mind, & spirit. Clients are guided to discover how to drop tension out of their body / mind, glean unique personal insights, and redefine their lives as their body / mind evolves through care.

  • ELAN Nervous System Entrainment

  • Brain & Body Rehab Acute Care

  • 1-1 Mentorship

  • Wellness Education

  • Evolutionary Personal Care Level 1 Practitioner Certification

What is ELAN?

Nechelle utilizes the modality of ELAN ~ Extraordinary Living, Advanced Neurology alongside Evolutionary Personal Care, to help clients authentically move forward in life and activate their innate healing capacity on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

ELAN is a light touch body and spinal work modality that queues the nervous system to assess and reorganize your energetic state.

Profound change occurs in a gentle and supportive way. Clients report feeling more at ease, having better posture, a reduction or elimination of chronic aches and pains. Their energy and outlook on life are restored as their spine realigns through care.

Tension & trauma patterns being held in the body / mind reorganize to create new neural pathways resulting in an evolution of a person's baseline experience in their body, mind, & life.

Nechelle cares deeply for her clients and looks forward to assisting you on your journey to greater health and vitality.

Something for Everyone

Heal at your own pace. While Entrainments are the main course of action I take with clients, check out other options that might spark your healing journey.

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Upcoming Wellness Talks

How would your life change if you had a more comfortable body, had better mental / emotional health, were less stressed, enjoyed your life more, and had a higher overall quality of life?

Attend the next Wellness Talk to learn more. They are free and hosted every other week.

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Fall Equinox Meditation

Enjoy this 50 minute meditation & journaling experience where you will be guided in Nervous System healing breath and the release of everything that is ready for you to let go of this Fall. You will have lifetime access to this meditation and can use it anytime you need to clear out the gunk and make space for something new in its place. This was recorded live at a weekend retreat.

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Event Facilitation

Make your next event an unforgettable healing journey. From sound healing to breathwork and nervous system healing, Nechelle brings a sense of calm, wellness and FUN to any special occasion. Whether you're planning a workshop, weekend retreat or a private event with you and your loved ones, ELAN Body Wisdom can help. Together, we can add a healing element to your event

"Our bodies send us signals in the form of pain, irritations, tensions, ailments, and illnesses. When we learn to tune into our body, we're able to gain the innate body wisdom that the signals, pain, & challenges are sending us. This gives us invaluable information that makes sense to us as the unique individual that we are. When we pair the unique insights that come from within us, with our intellect, we can create creative solutions that are the most efficient and streamlined path forward"

Nechelle Dismer

Average results clients have been experiencing after 3 months in care


Improvement in Physical State


Mental/Emotional Improvement


Stress Reduction


Improvement in Life Enjoyment


Improvement in Overall Quality of Life

Chloe N.

"Nechelle is truly a wise and incredibly inspiring woman who I’ve had the honor of knowing and learning from. She has changed my life in the biggest ways. Choosing her as my life coach has been the most positive life altering experience. I’m beyond thankful for the work that she does everyday."

Neil C.

"I felt I was in a really good place mentally and physically when I entered into a 3 month care plan with Nechelle, only to be blown away by how much better I could be! While the work she does is subtle with a light touch, the changes can be profound. There is a looseness to my spine and clarity to my mind that has stayed with me weeks after I have finished care. I'm looking forward to the time I am able to get back on the table. 10/10 positive life changing experience"

Ben L.

"Working with Nechelle gifted me a lot of grounding and clarity throughout my busy work weeks. I noticed improvement in my posture, and in my ability to manage my own energy levels. Her loving approach and passion for ELAN was enough for me to give the practice a shot and I sure am glad I did. Nechelle has a gentle and holistic approach. Not only that, her office is extremally peaceful and a lovely space. Highly recomend trying it out!"

Jason T.

"I knew from the moment I came in for my first entrainmnent that I was in the right place, and in the right hands. Nechelle has created a welcoming, safe and healing environment and takes great care in tuning into her clients and their individual needs. I've always carried a lot of tension in my body, but within just two months of getting entrained I was already feeling lighter, more at peace, and much more centered.

I may not fully understand what she is doing with my body but I can 100% attest to the difference it is making, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. My friends have noticed the changes in me. I feel different and I'm loving it. I am beyond grateful"

Renais G.

"I have been working with Nechelle for a year and a half, and in that time I have been able to drastically reduce the level of inflammation in my body as measured by regular blood work I get don’t to treat my auto-immune disorder, Crohn’s Disease.

Entrainment has not only improved my physical health and moved my Crohn’s into remission, it has also given me an increased ease in regulating my emotions and greater access to a wider range of emotions, including joy!

I cannot recommend this healing journey more and I am so grateful for Nechelle’s skill and guidance that has led me down this path.

Thank you, Nechelle!!"

Izzy M.

"Since starting care I have become less stiff in my body, specifically my shoulders (I hold a lot of tension there), my lower back, and big movement changes in my neck and how far I can turn my head in either direction. These shifts in my body also worked hand in hand with my overall life satisfaction and ease which I move in the world.

I have become less anxious, more calm in dealing with my relationships, less stressed at work, and more able to overcome bumps in the road with less intense emotion. That is huge!

Strengthening the body and mind connection can totally be seen and fully experienced. I am so glad to have found this treatment because it feels like Nechelle helps me target the core issues in my body and in my mind to heal deeply and move forward fully.

Nechelle has created a welcoming environment in her space to be fully present and do the work needed in my body and mind. I am so grateful for her gentleness and support through my care.

In my experience, it really helps to have someone so present and helpful, and that is what Nechelle exudes at every turn. So grateful for this life changing care that Nechelle provides. I would definitely recommend ELAN Body Wisdom for people ready to do the work, dig deep, and get healthy from the inside out"

Alex J.

"Amazing. That's how I would sum it up. I've felt so much transformation and strength working with Nechelle. I always leave each session feeling great with positivity, relaxation, and confidence that I can take on whatever comes my way. Plus side is I have not felt back pains since I've been working with Nechelle.

I feel immediate alignment with the movements she guides me to make. From just holding myself in strength while working or being more aware how my body shrinks in trying times. -- I've been able to stand more in my truth, speak up for myself, and advocate for my healing.

I attribute it to getting my nervous system in alignment and unblocking my chi/energy, which is done with the help of Nechelle. Her expert ability to see the body and empower it to heal and realign itself is amazing.

I am excited for anyone who has the chance to work with Nechelle because this work is definitely transformational, non invasive, and to me it is so fun and interesting to learn so much about my body and how it wants to heal itself and get aligned. Wow!!!"

I work with all people, regardless of age or condition to further their journey toward true wellness.

I support this transformation through integration of the mind, body, and soul.


Chronic Pain


Panic Disorders




Compassion Fatigue




Digestive Problems

Back Pain

Work Stress

Neck Pain

Joint Pain

Chronic Illness


Muscle Tension

Stress in General

Location Details

Contact Us

Hours of Operation


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


11 am - 1 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


11 am - 1 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


11 am - 1 pm

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday


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